Rif: 212285

AA. VV.Recorded Activities

Philadelphia,  Edizione a cura dell'Ente 1970 - Prima edizione (First Edition)

 Catalog of the exhibition held at Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, October 16-November 19, 1970. Edited by Dianne Perry Vanderlip. Introductory text by Lucy Lippard. Texts by Vito Acconci, Dan Graham, Joseph Kosuth (“Introductory note by the American editor”), John Margolies, Billy Adler.  Numerous black-and-white photographs of the artists in the exhibition and their respective works (Vito Acconci, John Baldessari, Mel Bochner, Michael Findlay, Dan Graham, Peter Hutchinson, Ray Johnson, Joseph Kosuth, Les Levine, Billy Adler, John Margolies, Bruce Nauman, Dennis Oppenhiem, Michael Snow, John Van Saun, Bernar Venet, Robert Smithson).  Attached loose stapled quatrains with text by Les Levine “The information fall-out”

Cm 28x25,5,  pp. 36 Legatura con punto metallico (stapled binding)  Molto buono (Very Good)

"The idea of the show is to present to the students - and anyone else that might be intrested, some of the different approaches that artists are taking toward 'post-object art' as someone called it" (Lucy R. Lippard).