Rif: 220890

WOODMAN - Chandès HervéFrancesca Woodman

Parigi,  Actes Sud - Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain 1998 - Prima edizione francese (First French Edition)

Catalogo della mostra tenutasi presso la Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporaine, Parigi 11 aprile - 31 maggio 1998. Un testo inedito di Philippe Sollers. Testi di Elizabeth Janus, Sloan Rankin, David Levi Strauss. Fotografie a colori  e in bianco e nero, di cui alcune su tavole ripiegate di Francesca Woodman. Biografia e Bibliografia

8vo (28x22),  pp. 160 Rilegato tela, sovracoperta (cloth, dust jacket)  Ottimo (Fine)

Displaying to view the ghostly and evanescent presence of her own body in movement, Francesca Woodman suggests the passing and the ephemeral, the transitory and the fragile. Rather than capturing a suspended moment, these photographs allow us to see time in all its elusiveness. The way she frames her shots fragments and isolates her subjects and shows the urgency of representation. Always wanting to disappear, Francesca Woodman melts into and loses herself in her surroundings, or, in other words, plays with the idea of mutilation and hints at the violent serenity of a fragmented body.