Rif: 236899

MICALI, Martha (Messina, 1990)NINNOLI. Archivio di coincidenze e piccoli ritrovamenti. Edizione speciale

Siena,  Lotta Books 2023 - Prima edizione di 70 esemplari (First Edition of 70 copies)

Black and white photographs and drawings by Martha Micali. One of 10 special copies with canvas slipcase containing the first edition book, 6 fine art photographs measuring 2x4 cm, a White Musk and Neroli perfume

Cm 7x6,  pp. 120 Rilegato ad anelli (ring-bound wrappers)  Nuovo (New)

Ninnoli is a collection of small objects that the photographer has found and preserved over the years. 
Each object arrived thanks to the artist's predisposition and predilection for discovering the superfluous and the marvellous. The Ninnoli are indeed childish or ornamental objects but also, by definition, things of little or no importance. Putting them together creates a collection of small-scale mirabilia, forgotten and lost things, curiosities, artefacts of nature or mankind, expressing an avowedly purposeless curiosity.
The book also includes objects that Martha has received, donated by friends and neighbours.
Thus, underlying the work are a series of acts of giving and receiving.
Among these is the fundamental coincidence that materialised the idea of the edition, the exchange of a small booklet between the publisher and the author.