Rif: 232139

PAOLINI, Giulio (Genova 1940)Les aventures de la dialectique (II)

Ravenna,  Danilo Montanari Editore 1992 - Tiratura di 100+XXX esemplari numerati e firmati (Edition of 100+XXX numbered and signed copies)

Litografia originale firmata e numerata a matita / Original lithograph signed and numbered in pencil

Esemplare 7/100 / Copy n. 7/100

Cm 30x21 Ottimo (Fine)

Giulio Paolini is one of the most significant conceptual artists on the international scene. He has devoted himself to minimalist works, collages and drawings, integrating into his creations the reproductions of other works in the form of plaster casts (Mimesis) and photographs in order to analyse the original-copy relationship. Since the early eighties Paolini has also included architectonic elements in his production, as well as creating theatre sets.