Rif: 232345

CHIARI, Giuseppe (Firenze, 1926 - Firenze, 2007)Dubbio sull'armonia

Torino,  Hopefulmonster 1990 - Prima edizione (First Edition)

Essay written in the form of thoughts, sentences, aphorisms

8vo,  pp. 60 Brossura (wrappers)  Perfetto (Mint)

Giuseppe Chiari was a musician, pianist and visual artist and was part of the Fluxus movement. He started writing music in 1950, his compositions from the early period are Intervals and Single Frequency Studies. Later works include Gesti sul piano of 1962 and L'arte è facile of 1972. Within the Fluxus group, he experimented with the concept of Visual Music, combining visual and musical art in a continum where music is characterised by its visual component. "On the visual arts front, abstractionism and conceptualism irreversibly conquer the incorporeality typical of musical expression". He was an exponent and main promoter of the Florentine artistic current, operating since the end of the Second World War, defined as Art Music (Visual Music and Fluxus), which aimed to experiment with the interaction between sound, gesture and visuals, a synaestheticity of art resulting from the historical avant-gardes, from Kandinskij to Futurism, from Scriabin to Schönberg, up to the Bauhaus.