Rif: 234658

SIMONETTI, Gianni Emilio (edited by)Fluxus again! A History of a Radical Experience 1952-1962-2022

Ravenna,  Danilo Montanari Editore 2022 - Prima edizione (First Edition)

English and Italian texts by Federica Boragina, Marina Morbiducci, Michela Morelli Patrizio Petrlini, Gianni emilio Simonetti. With some black and white illustrations

Cm Cm 21x21,  pp. 108 Brossura (wrappers)  Nuovo (New)

Gianni Emilio Simonetti (Rome, 1940), was part of the artistic/political experience of Fluxus. His artistic production, influenced by John Cage's research, has resulted in concerts, performances and works in which the visual aspect of signs, symbols and colors generates a sort of musical score. An experimenter without categories, he has also tried his hand at theater and film directing as well as avant-garde publishing. He has been a lecturer in Food Design at the Politecnico di Milano and in Cultural Anthropology at the IED. In 2017, a significant portion of his archive, from around 1962 to 2016, was acquired by the Beinecke Library of Yale University.