Rif: 210068

AA.VV.Poesie e no

Firenze,  Circolo garcia Lorca 1967

Invitation produced on the occasion of the performance held at the Circolo Garcia Lorca, Florence, 22 September 1967 by Camillo, Ketty La Rocca, Lucia Marcucci, Eugenio Miccini, Luciano Ori, Lamberto Pignotti

cm 16,5x16,5 Foglio sciolto (loose page)  Molto buono (Very Good)

"Poems and no's, of which we give here a reduction (which was recently broadcast in the third R.A.I. programme), is a kind of poetry-show that contains, in fact, poems and other material from extra-literary sources: news reports, visual poems, popular songs, everyday actions, common gestures, tape-recorded scores, concrete sounds, etc."