Rif: 210439

JORN, Asger & Jørgen NASHStavrim, Sonetter

Copenaghen,  Permild & Rosengreen 1960

Visual poems by Jorgen Nash illustrated with drawings by Asger Jorn. Printed on the occasion of the poet's 40th birthday

Printed on white and beige paper sheets. Paperback with dust jacket made of oiled paper covered with white cloth gauze with yellow label printed and pasted on front cover

Cm 27x21,5,  pp. 60 Brossura (wrappers)  Ottimo (Fine)

[Rif: Gérard Berréby (a cura di), Tèxtes et documents situationnistes 1957-1960. Editions Allia, Paris 2004]