Rif: 228483
SANESI, Roberto (Milano, 1930 - Milano, 2002)Harrington Gardens Suite
Milano, Multiart Editions 1975 - Edizione di 90 esemplari numerati e firmati dagli Autori. (Original edition of 90 copies: 60 copies (1 to 60) with an original colour silkscreen by Emilio Tadini - 10 copies (A to L) with the silkscreen and an original visual comment by Roberto Sanesi - 20 copies (i to XX) not for sale. All the copies are numbere and signed by the painter and the poet)
A poem by Roberto Sanesi translated from the Italian by William Alexander. Original colour silkscreen by Emilio Tadini, numbered and signed in pencil (36x25 cm)
Edition printed by Renato Volpini on the occasion of the Cambridge Poetry Festival, April 1975. Copy n. IX/XX
4to (37x26 cm), pp. 24 non numerate (6 quartini) Quartini sciolti in brossura (loose as issued in original wrappers) Dorso con lievi abrasioni (Minor damage to spine) Molto buono (Very Good)€250