TUTTO FRESCO. The new illustration
FRESCO has just concluded. The New Illustration, the first illustration review conceived by the Marini Bookstore to give space and voice to the new languages of illustration.
Here is a short account to go over the 11 exhibitions, the related events and the people who contributed, with enthusiasm (and of course!) freshness, to the success of this experience.
And it doesn't end here: on the occasion of Book Pride (Milan, Superstudio Maxi, March 10-12) in the new area dedicated to comics and curated by the illustrator Martoz, a collective exhibition dedicated to FRESCO will take place with a selection of the works all the authors who took part in the review.
During this experience, we cohosted illustrators and illustrators that we love for their style and ability to innovate and tell the world through drawing.
We organized dynamic, colorful and rich exhibitions, which we proposed through the display of original works, fine art prints, sketches, notebooks and notebooks, books, design objects and many small and big wonders created by the eleven artists. All on display at our Rome venue from January 2020 to December 2022. The many stoppages caused by Covid and various lockdowns did not stop our review, originally conceived for 2020 only (1 illustrator for each month of the year): with stubbornness and conviction we have come to the end of the project.
And here are the eleven illustrators who brought the review to life: clicking on the names will take you to the individual exhibition pages, with photos and extra content:
Luciop / January 2020
Laura Angelucci / February 2020
Antonio Pronostico / October 2020
Chiara Lanzieri / June 2021
Elisa Seitzinger / October 2021
Irene Rinaldi / April 2022
Laura Pittaccio / May 2022
Giada Ganassin / June 2022
Manfredi Ciminale / October 2022
Elisa Talentino / November 2022
Emiliano Ponzi / December 2022
FRESCO has been miscellany, meeting, exchange, growth, experimentation, innovation and friendship, and a lot of things that we will be able to elaborate on in a little while.