The bookstore's publishing activities
Our first publishing experience dates back to 2005, when thanks to our long association and friendship with Giorgio Upiglio, the co-publication of the Roberto Sanesi and Joe Tilson artist's iibre, "Otto poesie" with engravings by the artist saw the light. In 2006, an organic series of literature and art, directed by Alfredo Giuliani and Achille Perilli, was launched, which included unpublished texts by Italian poets and writers with accompanying graphic works by established artists. The series was named Spalandodietroivetri, taken from a poem by Alfredo Giuliani. The first volume, a collaboration of the series editors themselves, was From the Diary of Max, which was followed by Sui bordi dell'impossibile by Giorgio Barbaglia with etchings by Enrico Della Torre. Giuliani's death unfortunately forced us to suspend the series, which was followed by a long silence on our publishing activities. We felt that we needed to delve into the difficulties of such publishing ventures and the compatibility with our antiquarian bookstore business.
In recent years some sporadic publishing initiatives come to light, including the beautiful artist's book "Steps 13'36'', by Alfredo Pirri and the important book, unpublished for over 70 years, by Riccardo Gualino, Confessions of a Dreamer.