Rif: 237101

DORAZIO, Piero (Roma, 1927 - Perugia, 2005)Penumbria

Omaggio alla Maiolica di Deruta, 1979. Piatto da parete in ceramica smaltata. Produzione "Gruppo Artigiani Maiolica 2000". Edizione Speciale Umbria 1979. Firma dell'artista sul retro ("Dorazio")

Diametro Cm 40 Ottimo (Fine)

The plate is part of a series of contemporary ceramics whose production was initiated as a result of several artistic events that took place in Deruta between the 1850s and the 1980s.
The first event, the International Deruta Prize, aimed to strengthen the bond between artists and craftsmen, a custom already tried and tested in the CIMA factories in the inter-war years. 
In 1979, the consortium Gruppo Artigiani Maiolica Deruta 2000, chaired by Alviero Moretti, brought important contemporary Italian artists to Deruta before creating prototypes for mass production.

For more information about the artist and the ceramics, please visit the Moretti Foundation website: