photography: magazines
Aperture No 124, Summer 1991. Connoisseurs and Collection
New York, Aperture Foundation Inc. 1991
Featuring the collection of: Werner Bokelberg, Gerard Levy, Joshua P. Smith, Stanley B. Burns, Dorothy Norman, Thomas Walther. Articles by Arthur C. Danti (From Matchbooks to Masterpieces:...
Aperture No 127, Spring 1992. Our Town
New York, Aperture Foundation Inc. 1992
Summary: Funky Town; Like Silk; Whose town? Questioning Community and Identity; Appalachia: The Other Side of the Mountain (Photographs and text by Shelby Lee Adams); The Fruited Plain; Home; S.O.P. Photographs by: Jules Allen, Robert Amberg,...
Aperture No 145, Fall 1996. Surface and Illusion: ten portfolios
New York, Aperture Foundation Inc. 1996
Portfolios by Pablo Picasso (Picasso the photographer: beyond apparances), Edvard Munch (Dark mirror: the photographs of Edvard Munch), Constantin Brancusi and Kiki Smith (Studio poses: photographs by Costantin Brancusi an Kiki...
Aperture No 148, Summer 1997. Delirium
New York, Aperture Foundation Inc. 1997
Guest edited by W.M. Hunt, this issue of Aperture features work by photographers and scientists in their efforts to capture delirium on paper. Images ranging from contemporary through 19th Century show how delirium, clinical or colloquial, has been documented, analyzed, codified, worked over,...
Aperture No 170, Spring 2003
New York, Aperture Foundation Inc. 2003
Summary: Damage Incurred: Don McCullin on Africa's AIDS Crisis - Spectres of the Atomic Age; What Goes Up: Russia's Spaceship Junkyard (photographs by Jonas Bendiksen) - All to Pieces: Fragmented Monuments - A Parallel Vision: The Evolution of Photography in...
Aperture No 173, Winter 2003
New York, Aperture Foundation Inc. 2003
Summary: Elegy in White (Combining sculpture with photography, Walter Martin and Paloma Munoz encapsulate the quaint and the macabre in snow-globes) - Lost Worlds: Recent Discoveries in Andean Photo-History - Reading newspaper pictures: a thousand words, and then some -...
Aperture No 175, Summer 2004
New York, Aperture Foundation Inc. 2004
Summary: A crude World (by Serge Enderlin Serge Michel and Paolo Woods; photographs by Paolo Woods) - Elaine Reichek: Stitchellated Pics - Donna Ferrato on Libido Road - Elemental Vision: matter, paradox and other absorptions of Doug and...
Aperture No 187, Summer 2007
New York, Aperture Foundation Inc. 2007
Summary: Mary Ellen Mark: Prom Nigh - Composites of the Real World: Barry Frydlender's photography - Roberto Huarcaya: The Ship Sails On - Florian Maier-Aichen: Outside the Frame - The Masculine Mystique: physique magazine...
Camera International. N. 15, Mai-Juin 1988. Nostalgies
Photographies en noir et blanc / Black and white photographs by Alphonse Deriaz, Armad Deriaz, James Perry Walker, Krzysztof Gieraltowski, Andre Martin, Josef Koudelka, David Williams....
Camera International. N. 23, Hiver 89/90. Magnum 90
Photographies en noir et blanc et en couleur de / Black and white and colour photographs of by Patrick Zachmann, Ferdinando Scianna, Alex Webb, Gilles Peress, Eugene Richards, James...
Camera International. N. 22, Automne 1989
Photographies en noir et blanc et en couleur de / Black and white and colour photographs of by Sabine Weiss, Emili Vila, Lialia Kouznetsova, Damien Hustinx, Ken Miller, Antonio Saggese,...
Camera International. N. 20, Printemps/Spring 1989. Voyage en Grece
Photographies en noir et blanc et en couleur de / Black and white and colour photographs of by Manos, Yiorgos Depollas, Yagos Athanasopoulos, John Demos, Costis Antoniadi. Texte en français et en...
Camera International. N. 3, Ete 1985
Photographies en noir et blanc de / Black and white photographs by Man Ray,Dian Seylan, Pierre Boucher, Touhami Ennadre, Yoyce Tenneson, Manel Esclusa, Brian Griffin,...
Camera International. N. 3, Estate 1992. Figure dello sport. Edizione italiana
Questo mnumero è stato realizzato in ocasione della manifestazione "Visioni dello sport" presentata da Jean-Claude Gautrand nel quadro dei XXIII Rencontres internationales de la Photographie d'Arles. Sommario: Editoriale di Gabriel Bauret - Intervista a Jean Lacouture -Jules...
Camera International. N. 25, Mai-Juin 1990. Espana
Photographies en noir et blanc et en couleur de / Black and white and colour photographs of by Manuel Esclusa, Toni Catany, Jordi Guillumet, Josep Batlle, Rafael Vargas, Koldo Chamorro,...
Camera International. N. 27, Hiver/Winter 1990. La création publicitaire au Japon
Photographies en noir et blanc et en couleur de / Black and white and colour photographs of by Sachiko Kuru, Bishin Jumonji, Katsuo Hanzawa, Koji Inoue, Yasushi Handa, Yoshihiko Ueda,...
Camera International. N. 2, Primavera 1992. Antologia di un patrimonio fotografico. Edizione italiana
Sommario: Intervista con Pierre Bonhomme direttore della Mission du Patrimoine photographique - Nadar/Studio Harcourt - François Kollar - Marcel Bovis/René-Jacques - Daniel Boudinet - Willy Ronis/Denise...
Camera International. N. 4, Autunno 1992. Sette Fotografi europei. Edizione italiana
Questo numero è stato realizzato nel quadro delle esposizioni del Mese della Foto 1992 a Parigi sul tema dell'europa. Sommario: Intervista con Jean-Luc Monterosso, direttore del Mese della Foto a Parigi - Steef Zoetmulde - Christer Stromholm -...
Camera. Mars 1975, N. 3. Edition française
Lucerne, C.J. Bucher S.A. 1975
Sommaire: C'est la nature; Amateuer; Richard Kehrwald; Boone Morrison; Victor Bowley; Niggi Messerli; Kitty et W. Schoo Nunnelley; Ed et Carol Hershberger; Claus Mroczynski;...
Camera. Mai 1975, N. 5. Edition française
Lucerne, C.J. Bucher S.A. 1975
Sommaire: Genres photographiques; Duane Michals; Alan Lewis; Esther Pfirter; David Akiba; Joann Frank; Jan Bernhardtz; James Hamilton; Jack Welpott; L'interview...
Camera. Juillet 1979, N. 7. Edition française
Lucerne, C.J. Bucher S.A. 1979
Sommaire: Photographie de Presse et une Agence de Presse par Allan Porter; the Associated Press derrière les coulisses par Hal Buell; Comment sont transmises les photos en couleurs; Comment sont transmises les photographies; Comment fonctionne la chamber noire electronique. Une...
Camera. Mars 1980, N. 3. Edition française
Lucerne, C.J. Bucher S.A. 1980
Sommaire: Mark Cohen, une monographie (introduction par Allan Porter); Interview de Mark Cohen par Michael Sigrin. Une documenation intenationale sur la photographie du XIX et du XX siècle. Avec photographies en noir et blanc
Camera. Janvier 1981, N. 1. Edition française
Lucerne, C.J. Bucher S.A. 1981
Sommaire: Composit (par Allan Porter); Fritz Kempe: une autobiographie; Reinhart Wolf: New York; Ulrich Mack: Pellworm; August Sander. Une documenation intenationale sur la photographie du XIX et du XX siècle. Avec...
there are 48 works
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- photography: magazines
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