Rif: 221489

FRANK, Robert (Zurigo, 1924 - Inverness, 2019)The Americans

New York,  Pantheon Books 1959 - Prima edizione Pantheon (First Pantheon Edition)

Photographs by Robert Frank. Introduction by Jack Kerouac

Firma autografa dell'Autore al frontespizio (Signed by the Author at the title-page)

8vo (cm 21,5x24) - Oblong quarto,  pp. 180 Brossura (wrappers) Piccolissimo timbro di appartenenza al frontespizio (Very small stamp on the title-page) Ottimo (Fine)

"What has made this arguably the most renowned photobook of all? Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, the majority of the pictures are instantly
memorable, dry, lean, and transparent, as John Szarkowski has said of them, yet also weighty and profound, even heartstopping.The sad-eyed lady of the lift, the lean sidewalk cowboy, the shrouded Miami car, the cynical Hoboken city fathers — images like these, and many others, could almost carry the book's heartfelt message individually, even if not part of such an adroitly sequenced totality. The Americans is a great book made in the main with great pictures, and that surely explains its eternal resonance. Secondly, there is the sequencing. Four "chapters" introduced in each case by the Stars-and-Stripes, have an internal logic, complexity and irresistible flow that moves from the relatively upbeat pictures at the beginning to a final image of tenderness and exhaustion on a road that has only one end."

(da Gerry Badger & Martin Parr, "The Photobook. A History", Vol. I)